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  1. Story details or idea: [Provide personal story, key moments, challenges, accomplishments]
  2. Writing style (default: storytelling): [Examples: storytelling, professional, conversational]
  3. Tone (default: friendly, engaging, relatable): [Examples: friendly, engaging, professional, casual, inspiring]
  4. Hook (default: captivating): [Examples: captivating, thought-provoking, emotional]
  5. Conclusion (default: motivational note): [Examples: motivational note, gratitude, call-to-action]
  6. Target audience (default: aspiring internet entrepreneurs): [Examples: general, industry professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs]
  7. Personal anecdotes (optional): [Share relatable stories or experiences to connect with the audience]
  8. Relevant industry trends, statistics (optional): [Mention current trends, news, or events related to the story]
  9. Hashtags: (optional) [Provide specific hashtags for the post]
  10. Mention any collaborators or supporters (optional): [Include names or LinkedIn profiles of people involved]

Please ask me any questions you need to clarify or get more details about my story or idea to make the post as engaging and impactful as possible.